
It's been damn long since i really blogged. xD Plainly because I just didn't bother to do so. =)
KL was fun.. And it really did made a hole in my pockets.. I think I'm a very bad kid.. So many ppl gave me "Sun feng chien"-those ang pao u give ppl when got ppl go overseas or wad. Received like RM1k in total but I only bought one packet of BBQ Minced Meat back for them. =\

Spent alot on clothes and food. Food there is nice. =D Bought 8 new shirts, 3 pair of jeans and a fake pair of Lactose shoes. =( Met some new friends there. All were my friend's housemate. haha.. Went quite well along with them. Nice people. Everynight go out at around 1am or 2am just to Mamak which is like yam cha here. haha.. It's kinda cheap tho.. every time eat, total only RM20+ or 30+.. And one thing that im not used to, there's no LEMON there. =\ Everything they replace with limes. T_T

Anyways.. Today's blog is all about my love --- My wife. =)

Let me introduce, my wife which reincarnated after about 4months of death.

There you go.. The revived lovely wife of mine. =) She now have bigger measurements, if u know what I mean. =P The new 19" Samsung WideScreen LCD monitor cost RM 399 on promotion. So it's worth it. =)
*standard household monitor now are 19"s and standard gaming monitor now are 22"s*

And these are the things that I spent alot of time putting together to get her back breathing again.
The things are :

On the top left, the black box :- Sapphire Radeon HD 4850 512MB GDDR3 dual-slot Graphics Card RM500+

On the top right, the small blue box :- Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 3.0GHz Processor RM659

On the bottom left, the big black box :- Biostar TPower i45 Motherboard RM 500+

On the bottom right, the medium white box :- CoolerMaster RealPower 650W Power Supply Unit RM480

And lastly,

On the Mid bottom, the small black box :- Kingston HyperX 4GB(2x2GB) DDR2 1066MHz CL5 RAM RM 300+

so there u have it.. The new parts. Actually, you can say that I've already changed a whole new set of computer. =\

And now my wish list/additional parts to boost performance :

And below are some images of my wife, stripped off the clothing, where u can see the inside. =x

As u can see, the cable management ain't perfect. But at least it looks tidy if u view it from the 1st and 2nd pic there. and it also gives a better airflow than my old cable management. =)

and the prove that my processor is a E8400 :-

I'm currently using Windows Vista Ultimate 32bit. And no, I'm not that rich to purchase the genuine one. I downloaded the cracked version. =x Hope Microsoft don't see this and come and sue me. =x

And one of the features I like about the Vista ultimate is the DreamScene. Which means that I can use .mwv video files as my desktop wallpaper. =D check the video below. hahaha...

And one more thing.. I was playing with OverClocking on my BIOS.. and I tried to follow someoneelse's Overclocking settings.. OC to 4.0GHz from 3.0GHz.. But I duno what I did and I OC-ed it to 4.5GHz.. With stock coolers from Intel. It's stuicidal for the processor to run anymore test or even to use the computer for more than an hour. =\
Everything needs prove right? and below is my prove. =x

Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E8400 @ 3.00GHz 4.50GHz

4 Thoughts:

Anonymous said...

Check out my computer - codenamed FREYA (read comments and album description)

Cable Management and inside pics

Both links do NOT require you to have a Facbook account.

Bite me, Han. Bite me.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Whattttttttttttttttttttttttt we're guys!!! We like playing with our toys.

CloverBoy said...

and chet.. u do know how wrong that sounded right? X_X