Tomorrow's my BIO Practical exam and I'm sitting infront of the comp checking out computer hardware components. =x
Actually I didn't think of checking all these things this early but my current MSN PM is
Then a friend started talking bullshits to me. =.= HE IS IN KL and he said he can borrow me. zzz
Anyways.. Talked bout current rates of hardware. At first, I just wanted to change my motherboard. Wanted to change to a mobo that actually supports Intel LGA 775 sockets and got 2x PCI-Express 16x slot with CrossFire. This mobo actually exist but it cost way too much and there ain't much to choose from. For those who don't know, CrossFire is a function made by AMD whom produces AMD processors, Mobo, ATI Radeon Graphic Cards. SO, for a mobo to have CrossFire and be actually supported by Intel's processors, it is actually something impossible.
So after searching for awhile, I've found a motherboard that is cheap and it supports NVidia SLI. Yes I know, It's not Radeon and CrossFire. But this Mobo is good enough. Meets my requirement and its cheap. RM 380 only.
Not bad already this mobo. besides, this has got 4 RAM slots. Should be able to support max of 8GB of RAM.
Again after a few more searches, search pages brought me to some more hardcore motherboard for overclockers/gamers. One at least cost RM1,000. Those are the kinds that gives you easy access to overclocking your CPU and those which helps you save a lot more power. Most of these are by ASUS. Pretty mobo and very clean and bright looking. Something that will definitely fit great to a CPU casing with a transparent side panel. =)
And again, after talking bout hardware more and more, we came to the performance of processors. I'm using Pentium D currently. Or should I say I only OWN a Pentium D for now. Comp still left there not repaired. x_X Only till today, I've finally found out the difference between Pentium D and Dual Core and Duo 2 Core.
Basically Pentium D is the first generation of the 2 core processing era. Pentium D processes one program per core. So if you have 2 programs running on a Pentium D system, Each kinda like virtual-core will run each program. In Duo 2 Core which is about the same as Dual Core, they perform the same 2 programs together with the full 2 real-cores. So it's like running one program with two computer combined together.
And in any perspective, Duo 2 Core will be in anyway faster than Pentium D disregard how much you overclock your Pentium D system. In other words to say, PENTIUM D STILL SUCKS but at least its better than Pentium 4. =P And to add on, Pentium 4 EXTREME is better than Pentium D. x_X And one last thing, we should never ever use any Intel EXTREME processors to compare with normal consumer's processors. Those EXTREME series are for rich geeks who got too much money to spend. =x
SO yea.. Now I'm being tempted to get a new processor. Might go for Duo 2 Core E8400.
See how much one piece of microchip barely the size of a recharge card cost? Core 2 Quad. 4 core on one processor. Something that is kinda useless for now. Cos if you go read some reviews and go see some youtube videos, you will find out that there is no one program that actually needs the run on all 4 cores. So buying a Quad Core System is actually to make you look good but actually your being the stupid ass who just spent a large amount of cash in which a normal Core 2 Duo processor can do.
And IF I really do get that mobo from Gigabyte, I would have to buy 2 brand new NVidia Graphic Card that are SLI ready. Cheapest will cost around RM 100+ each. But those won't make much performance to make games look good. So to satisfy me, I will need something like GeForce 8800 GT. But then.. They don't sell those GC anymore. x_X They only sell 7200GS and above. x_X So I think I'll have to go with the GeForce 9 series. then. Cheapest is around RM 200+ each. Yet still within my budget. :D

My friend recommended me to get one 9800GTX. Rm 700. X_X I think I'm gona get the 9600GT. Two of em.. Should have way better performance than one 9800GTX. =x
And the total of the processor, mobo and the 2 graphic card has alr totaled up to RM 1.6k T_T And my main aim is to get a new monitor. Whats the use of having such performance when you are stuck with a damned CRT monitor. X_X Cheapest LCD 19" is RM500. T__T Now RM2.1k liaw la.. THEN need more RAM!
GG sia. Then then then Cooling system lagi.. T___T Like buy new computer jor. AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! SHIT! SHIT! SHIT! SHIT! SHIT! SHIT! SHIT! SHIT! SHIT! SHIT! SHIT! SHIT!
Suang suang think bout getting new things. Now with the list adding up. FUCK! Have to really start saving now. x_X BUDGET MUST BE RM2K AHHHHH. T__T
Maybe I should just cut down on the graphic card. =\
And I'm screwing my BIO. dun really care about it liaw. x_X
Computer hardware components is again something that you wouldn't wanna mess with. It's like Mix&Match for girl's clothes. U mix and match with wrong clothings, you'll look like shit. If you mix and match the wrong components, it will blow up ur whole computer and ur money is gone.
Ok now.. I just found out that the 680i SLI has got only x8 slot. =.= Thats the damn speed for AGP graphic cards. If I were to go for x16 slots, then I would have to go get the 680i LT SLI or 680i SLI in which the strongest nForce motherboard 680i SLI cost RM 1290. zzzz Thats like 60% of my budget. x_X
Now finding some more mobo. And actually there are alot more mobo that supports CrossFire and Intel together. =D and they cost cheap too. RM500~RM700+ xD
Choices of Motherboard -
Asus P5Q Deluxe RM 730
Asus P5Q Pro RM 510
Gigabyte GA-EP45-DS3 RM 460
Gigabyte GA-EP45-DS3R RM 540
And shit again.. I have to recount my budget and the total price for the components. x_X
And another thing that I'm worrying about is. If I change my motherboard, will I still be able to use back my recovery CD so that I don't have to use a pirated version of Windows. =\
Now I think that this is worse than physics. There are hell more things that we have to take into consideration. x_X
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